
Sunday, September 01, 2013

Slow Motion

I don't normally remember my dreams.  Lately though I have been aware of my dreams.  I wake up confused and my spirit seems a bit troubled.  It takes time to sort things out.

In my dreams I'm moving in slow motion.  Things need to be done quickly and I am anything but quick.  It's like wading water up to your chest.  You need to get through it but you can only go so fast.  In the meanwhile things only seem to get worse.

I have concluded life is sometimes like that.  We come into situations where we need something done quickly; or we are in an uncomfortable situation.  Often the most pressing need is how do I get out of this mess?  But then what?  What was learned?  What was accomplished?  How did I grow as a person or how did I help those around me?

When were are in slow motion we need to recognize this fact.  I am in a situation that is going to take some time to get through.  Rather than wish it away, stay in it and let it's experience teach you something you would not have otherwise learned.  All the wishing one does will not change the fact that that you are in something uncomfortable.   Become aware of yourself and see where you are led.  Who knows what will happen?

I wonder where I will go tonight?


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